A decade ago, having a website was just about having an online presence. You would probably be able to draw visitors only via some basic search engine marketing tactics, keep your fingers crossed and hope that traffic would be directed to your site and not to a competitor site. By Alain Houle, Alco Web Design LLC But things have changed and now most successful websites will make an attempt to reach out to their visitors and generate business by using a number of Internet marketing techniques.
This is where the ubiquitous Blog comes on stage. Blog is essentially an acronym for Web-log and is like an online journal. Any posts that are added to the blog will be displayed in reverse-chronological order and a continuous “autobiography” of a website is created. A blog is a very important engine for attracting more Web traffic. Add a blog to your site, update it on a regular basis and it will instantaneously add an interest quotient to your website. First time visitors will find a reason to revisit it and slowly but surely the trickle of visitors to your site will turn into a flood. There are a few things you have to keep in mind when you blog. I always suggest that a mechanism for comments be included. This is the best way to up your visitor’s level of loyalty and the “conversation” becomes an attraction point for visitors. The comments can also be used as feedback and they can give you some important pointers about how you can improve your site or the services and goods that you are selling. If you are able to use that effectively and create a stronger presentation, it will appeal to a larger audience and drive website traffic. Those who publish blogs will also frequently approach many other bloggers and will request for links. Another effective tactic is to add a conduit toolbar. This is a teaser link or a widget that you can add to the toolbar- a click will lead them to your website. What is probably most important for website marketing is that you keep your blog fresh and updated. A moss-laden blog will get buried in the www while one that is updated regularly will continue to hog the spotlight. In my opinion, adding frequent, interesting and relevant blog content that is crisp and catchy is the way to keep drawing traffic to your website. For additional details about website designing and SEO, feel free to contact me or visit my website at www.alcowebdesign.com or contact us. Comments are closed.
Your HostMy name is Alain Houle. Since the late 1990s I own and operate Alco Web Design LLC from my home office in Greenville Wisconsin. I specialize in creating professional and cost-effective websites for small-business owners in the Appleton Fox Valley. I love to help local entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Contact me now!
February 2024